Drugs for prostatitis: effective drugs for the treatment of prostate inflammation

capsules for the treatment of prostatitis

Prostatitis is the most common urological disease of men in modern medical practice.

The cause of prostatitis in men can be a bacterial infection or a man's lifestyle.

It is not worth starting the disease. During the first urinary disorders, it is necessary to consult a urologist, undergo a complete examination and make the correct diagnosis.

Without proper treatment, prostatitis can lead to prostate cancer, which cannot be treated with medication.

The main groups of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis

The main groups of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis:

  1. With alpha blockers. . . Preparations with this active ingredient improve the tone of secretion, which significantly improves urination.
  2. With 5 alpha reductase inhibitors. . . Drugs in this group can reduce adenoma and relieve pain. It is recommended to be combined with physiotherapy procedures.
  3. Herbal anti-inflammatory drugs. . . They are quite effective, have a strong antiseptic effect and a minimal set of side effects and contraindications.

Great!There are contraindications and side effects, so self-medication is unacceptable - the urologist must choose the drug and dosage.

Methods for treating prostatitis with drugs

The patient can be assigned:

drugs to treat prostatitis
  1. Anal suppositories.Drugs stimulate the metabolism. The suppositories are injected in a supine position, after which they provide rest for half an hour. The duration of treatment can last up to ten days. Side effects such as an allergic reaction or itching may occur.
  2. Injections.They stimulate the activity of the prostate, as well as strengthen the immune system and the vascular system. The doctor prescribes the drug intramuscularly. The duration of treatment can last up to ten days. There are no obvious side effects.
  3. Instillations.The doctor injects the drug through the urethra directly to the destination. Inject no more than 5 ml of the mixture at a time. Before the procedure, it is necessary to empty the bladder.
  4. Enemas.The solution for enemas is based on medicinal herbs. Enter the enema warm before bedtime. Basically, sage, chamomile, motherwort and calendula are used for this. Do not inject more than 100 ml of hot solution into the rectum.
  5. Pills.Treatment of prostatitis involves the use of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. This is especially important when the causative agent of the disease has not been identified.

Great!Antibiotic therapy is used to treat acute and bacterial prostatitis.

Anal suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis

Suppositories for rectal use are one of the most effective treatments. They have a broad effect and have a positive effect on the affected area.

The most effective and commonly prescribed drugs include:

  • Candles with fish oil. . . They have anesthetic and antiseptic effects, improve blood circulation. Often these suppositories are prescribed in combination with pills and physiotherapy. Candles do not have a very pleasant smell, but it does not affect the skin at all. The drug is contraindicated in the presence of internal hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
  • Candles with propolis. . . They have anti-inflammatory action and relieve pain when urinating. The drug has no contraindications (except for individual intolerance to the ingredients), so it is often used as a precaution.
  • Suppositories with indomethacin.They relieve swelling and inflammation, while at the same time normalizing prostate function. Used in advanced cases. The drug has contraindications, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Injections for the treatment of prostatitis

Modern medicine offers injectable preparations that aim to treat the prostate and strengthen the immune system of men.

These drugs improve regenerative processes. The injections are used for conservative treatment or prevention, protecting the prostate from viruses. Medications have contraindications, so only one doctor prescribes the dosage.


drip catheter for prostatitis

The method is based on the introduction of the drug into the affected area.

This method allows you to get rid of the bacteria completely. Ozonized solutions, antiseptics are used as medicine.

Great!The instillation procedure is performed only in the doctor's treatment room. Only he can choose the right medicine, insert the catheter into the urethra and do all the necessary manipulations to keep the solution inside.

The course of treatment lasts from 1 to 2 months, depending on the stage of the pathology.

The procedure is performed 2-4 times a week.

Pills for the treatment of prostatitis

Tablets, like candles, are divided into groups, depending on the action. Medication should only be prescribed by a urologist after a thorough examination, which will determine the stage of the disease.

Great!There are contraindications and side effects, so self-medication is unacceptable - the urologist must choose the drug and dosage.

Most often, medicines are prescribed:

  • Anti-inflammatory. . . Used for acute prostatitis and pain when urinating. Medications are effective in treating prostatitis, preventing it from becoming chronic.
  • Anticonvulsants. . . A group of drugs that relieve spasms and relax muscles, which significantly improves blood circulation.
  • Antibiotics. . . Prescribed for bacterial prostatitis. Which antibiotic will be prescribed is determined by the examining doctor. Antibiotics are taken in combination with anal drugs.

Antibiotics for the treatment of prostatitis

drugs to treat prostatitis

Let's take a closer look at the latest group of drugs.

Fluoroquinolones are relatively recent, modern antibacterial agents. They have more advantages over other broad-spectrum antibiotics. Drugs in this group practically do not cause immunodeficiency. Fluoroquinolones have an even wider range of action on microorganisms.

Preparations of the tetracycline group may also be used. Usually these funds are prescribed for infectious and chronic prostatitis.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed only after testing for infection. Until the results are achieved, symptomatic treatment is performed with the aim of relieving pain and inflammation.

The duration of antibiotic treatment is about one month, followed by clinical monitoring of the patient's condition.

Good results are achieved with a complex treatment that aims to increase the general and local resistance of the body to disease-causing factors. Only in this case can there be a full recovery or long-term recession.